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Room 6 (Ms. Tavallai)

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Daily Schedule - Room 6

8:45-9:15 - Breakfast

9:15-9:30 - Classroom Meeting

9:30-9:40 - Small Group Literacy

9:45-10:15 - Outdoor Learning

10:20-10:30 - Small Group Math

10:30-11:10 - Purposeful Play

11:10-11:15 - Read aloud

11:20-11:50 Lunch

11:50-1:00 - Rest

1:00-1:15 - Pack up/snack

1:30-1:40 - Classroom Meeting

1:40-2:25 - Purposeful Play

2:25-2:35 - Small Group Fine motor/science

2:35-3:15 Outdoor Learning/Dismissal

Second Step

Click the image below to access the document.

First page of the PDF file: SecondStep-el-homelinks-AP21


Meet the Staff

Maryam Tavallai

PreK Teacher
Goodyear Early Childhood Center

Ms. Tavallai

Ms. Tavallai

Mrs. Lyons

Mrs. Lyons

Mrs. Morrarty

Mrs. Morrarty

Mrs. Foss

Mrs. Foss